I tried to create a wind rose diagram graph in excell for a long time without success. A less satisfactory option for creating a directional distribution (or wind, current or waves frequencies of various strength) is using the radar chart type in Excell. However, I miss the ability to create a wind rose diagram (which looks as a bar chart but spread on a 360 degrees pie chart according to directions). Any sugestions will be appreciated.
An example of a table data for creating a graph is provided below:
current rose statistics data
Speed 0 22.5 45 67.5 90 112.5 135 157.5 180 202.5 225 247.5 270 292.5 315 337.5
0-10 0.003735525 0.00298842 0.00747105 0.01045947 0.007844602 0.00298842 0.000747105 0.000373552 0.002241315 0.005603287 0.013821442 0.016809862 0.021666044 0.033619724 0.012700784 0.007097497
10-20 0.00298842 0.005229735 0.005229735 0.00747105 0.011580127 0.00448263 0.001120657 0.000373552 0.003361972 0.008218155 0.020545387 0.025028016 0.032499066 0.050429585 0.019051177 0.01045947
20-30 0.009338812 0.012327232 0.005603287 0.007844602 0.017183414 0.006723945 0.00149421 0.000373552 0.004856182 0.012327232 0.030631304 0.037355248 0.048561823 0.075457602 0.028389989 0.015689204
30-40 0.013074337 0.014942099 0.00298842 0.004109077 0.013447889 0.005229735 0.001120657 0 0.003735525 0.009712365 0.024280911 0.029884199 0.038849458 0.06014195 0.022413149 0.012327232
40-50 0.00597684 0.00896526 0.001120657 0.00149421 0.002614867 0.000747105 0 0 0.000747105 0.001867762 0.004856182 0.00597684 0.00747105 0.011953679 0.00448263 0.002241315
50-60 0.00149421 0.000747105 0.000373552 0.000747105 0.000373552 0 0 0 0 0.000373552 0.000747105 0.001120657 0.00149421 0.002241315 0.000747105 0.000373552
An example of a table data for creating a graph is provided below:
current rose statistics data
Speed 0 22.5 45 67.5 90 112.5 135 157.5 180 202.5 225 247.5 270 292.5 315 337.5
0-10 0.003735525 0.00298842 0.00747105 0.01045947 0.007844602 0.00298842 0.000747105 0.000373552 0.002241315 0.005603287 0.013821442 0.016809862 0.021666044 0.033619724 0.012700784 0.007097497
10-20 0.00298842 0.005229735 0.005229735 0.00747105 0.011580127 0.00448263 0.001120657 0.000373552 0.003361972 0.008218155 0.020545387 0.025028016 0.032499066 0.050429585 0.019051177 0.01045947
20-30 0.009338812 0.012327232 0.005603287 0.007844602 0.017183414 0.006723945 0.00149421 0.000373552 0.004856182 0.012327232 0.030631304 0.037355248 0.048561823 0.075457602 0.028389989 0.015689204
30-40 0.013074337 0.014942099 0.00298842 0.004109077 0.013447889 0.005229735 0.001120657 0 0.003735525 0.009712365 0.024280911 0.029884199 0.038849458 0.06014195 0.022413149 0.012327232
40-50 0.00597684 0.00896526 0.001120657 0.00149421 0.002614867 0.000747105 0 0 0.000747105 0.001867762 0.004856182 0.00597684 0.00747105 0.011953679 0.00448263 0.002241315
50-60 0.00149421 0.000747105 0.000373552 0.000747105 0.000373552 0 0 0 0 0.000373552 0.000747105 0.001120657 0.00149421 0.002241315 0.000747105 0.000373552