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How Can Columns in a Table Update Dynamic Charts?


New Member
The explanation for using tables to make dynamic charts says adding rows will automatically update the chart.

I add columns each week.

Can the table method still be used?

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

The answer to your question is Yes and No

It actually depends on How your data is arranged and what your trying to do with the data.

Can you elaborate?
I have to update a number of trend charts that span six week intervals.

Each chart is linked to six dated week columns for the X axis and one location column for the Y axis.

Every week the chart data is manually selected to reflect the most current six weeks.

I would like the most current six week block to be updated automatically.

I think this method will work for you.


Example uses last 12 months/points, but you could just as easily change it to fit your needs.
Luke M, the examples in that webpage show how to work with dates set in a single column.

My dates span multiple columns i.e.:

Column Labels (5 Each)=

Location, 12/12/2011, 12/19/2011, 1/2/2012, 1/9/2012

Five columns of data (1st Column = ROW Labels):

1, 10, 11, 12, 21,

2, 9, 4, 12, 8,

3, 17, 16, 12, 32,

4, 5, 4, 4, 9,

AVG, 10.25, 8.75, 10, 17.5,

I want my chart update when a new week is added.
Hi ,

Can you check out the following link ?


Please do not click on the hyperlink ; copy + paste the entire address in your browser.

Two ranges have been defined , Dates and Series_1.

You can try adding data in the week after the last week for which data is already present , and the X-axis and the chart will reflect this. I have made the chart for the last 3 weeks ; you can change this to 6 in the range definitions.
