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Highlight the formula references to a cell in other worksheet


New Member

I have data in two sheets and i put some formulas in sheet1 by refering some cells in sheet2.

Can i select all those referred cells in Sheet2 (where the cell i got result by refering cells in sheet2) with any keybord shortcut or is there any tip for this.

Hi Sekhar,

I just tried something, I am not sure whether this is really efficient. Just sharing what I did.

Suppose your formula is in sheet1 cell A1, the formula is "=Sheet2!A1".

Now in the sheet1 itself,goto Formulas, Trace Precedents.

You will get a black arrow & a box.

Double click on the arrow, you will get a "Go To" dialog box with a path mentioned.

The path will be of sheet 2 cell A1 in our case.

select the path, press OK, you have reached !
There's actually a really handy couple of shortcut keys for selecting Precedents and Dependents.

Precedents: CTRL + [

Dependents: CTRL + ]
Thanks for Sharing, it is really helpful.

I have one more question related to this.

If we have referred more then once a cell (i.e., in cell A1, b1+b2+b3 (or) sheet!c1+sheet!c2+sheet!c3) to a formula, how to select all those multiple cells with a shortcut key.
