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hiding formulas



Can I hide all the formulas so that nobody can see them, but they can use the worksheet.

I don't want to use a password.
I understand you do not want to place a password on the worksheet, but would it be acceptable to use the Hidden property along with "Protect Worksheet"? You are not required to add a password to use this tool.
Hi, are you using 2007? Probably easiest way would be to hide the formula bar, by going to excel options => advanced =>display =>unselect the option display the formula bar.
several ways to do it.

- put all formulae in one single worksheet and hide it.

- change text to the worksheet/cell colors.

- put all formulae in one single worksheet and make the worksheet "very hidden" under Visual basic.

- pull all the formulae in one column/row, then hide the column/row but using right click on column/row header

- similar to above bullet, use group function to group column/row housing formulae.

- freeze panes
given the complexity of the spreadsheet (having not seen a spreadsheet hitting over 70~80 worksheets myself), I can only propose a couple more suggestion.

- make hard copies and send it to the readers

- convert the workbook into PDF file

- restructure all formulae from scratch, and make them all showing up on a few exclusive spreadsheets whilst resulting cells would only reflecting a link to the existing file or outside file.

Other than that, I don't know any other way. Any other suggestions, folks?
Can you be more specific as to why you need the formulas hidden? One disadvantage of the Hidden property is that sometimes users will overwrite the cell not knowing that there was a formula there (they thought it was a constant).
hi Luke,

would setting up multiple password protections blow up the file size for a 300+ worksheet workbook?

My guess, purely guess, is that Ahhhmed is the owner of the file and if his readers make changes to the file sent from him, via email and not sharing over the same server with equal access, then there is no incentive to add a password. He just need to re-send another file to his readers?

I have similar setting on my side where some of the files created and managed by me are not accessible to my customers on the chain of process. I send my file to my readers to work on, and if they make a mess and corrupt the file, I still have my master. So I'm not inclined to add password where it is not necessary.

To Ahhhmed,

you can set simple protection without a password. Just leave the area blank and safe you setting up another process of recording, tracking and updating passwords. Many of the spreadsheets I created have protection without a password. Readers want the flexibility to make certain changes depending on the situation. So I have a no password protection my reader can remove when called for.

No, it's shouldn't cause significant file growth. You could write a short macro to setup all the passwords for you.

The other worry is, how "secure" do you need the formulas to be? If it simply needs to take extra work to get there, there may be a way. If it has to be secure (SSN's, payroll, etc) the only secure way is to not give the data to someone else, ie, split the sheet the user needs into a seperate workbook.