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Hide/unhide rows/columns automatically in conditional formatting


New Member

I have a 4 values in A1.

Personal loan, Home loan,car loan,business loan in A1(Data validated)

Now if i select Personal loan, the rows 1-23 should hide themselves, if i select home loan, 1-23 should unhide and 23-46 rows should hide automatically.

Pls guide
Not sure what your desired end result is, but you could just turn on filtering (assuming A1 has some sort of field heading) and then just select whichever option you want to see data for...

but there are several ways that this can be accomplished; again, depending on your desired end result.
Good evening HARRY

Can you not use a table (list in 2003)then filter selection how you want?
Hi Harry,

I have one doubt regarding your question.

Your data validation( with four options as you specified) is at A1, and you want row 1-23 to be hidden when you select Personal loan. In that case, your data validation cell will also be hidden!...so I have little disconnect here.

You have also not specified what should happen when you select car loan / business loan

Do you want to execute the hide/unhide operations in sheet2 while you have data validation at sheet1?

However, as of now, in the below file I have placed data validation at A1(sheet1), on selecting Personal loan, row 2-23 will be hidden. And on selecting Home loan rows 2-23 will unhide and 23 to 46 will be hidden.

you can adapt the technique to your suit..

Change the selection from drop down and hit "click me" text beside.

Link for sample file:

