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Help with VLOOKUP


New Member
Hi excel masters, I need some help here.

Monday________ice cream

Tuesday_______chocolate brownie







So, on monday i have eaten a ice cream, i need to extract data from monday what i have eaten and the formula will be :

= vlookup(monday,monday icecream friday jelly,2,false)

now how can i extract data from Tuesday, if i use de same formula it will give me only one of the item chocolate brownie.

Any ideas guys..?

Is the word Tuesday filled in for all the rows that apply, or just the 1st row and the following rows are blank? If we have a choice, the former is the easier route.
Monday________ice cream

Tuesday_______chocolate brownie







is the data liks this?! and you want it to return all row items under Tuesday (and any given day)??

how do you want the data extracted? do you want all items for tuesday to be listed in one cell, in separate cells (same row across columns / same column, down rows)??
If the data is like how jason posted, and multiple cells can be used to pull the data, you can use the formula I described here:

Good day eddie

Is this what your after? your diet on a Sunday needs looking at :)


A lot of the credit for this should go to Luke M and Hui as they showed the way when I asked a similar question
Hi everyone,thanks your response...

As jason posted it would be easy but reality is the similar files from bobhc

but the day is only on the first line
Hi bobhc,

if I use the dropbox, i won`t have all the list of dessert for each day as the day is only on the first row.

Not quite sure of your last post, if you choose a day in the validation box(for multi vlookup) all food eaten will be displayed, if you are only entering the day once and then multi food in cells below for that day then the multilookup will not work as it is looking for the lookup ie the day names.
Hi Eddie ,

Can you download this file and see if it is what you want ?


I have used two helper columns.

Hi, eddie!

I just downloaded it successfully. Do you have any constraint or firewall policy in your network? If so, download if from a computer out of that net, otherwise try again later.
