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Help with using IRR or XIRR calculations


New Member
Hi All,
I am fairly junior when it comes to using excel and formula's. I have tried to search through the forums but have not found any threads close to what I am asking. I am trying to calculate the Annual IRR of a life insurance policy based on the premiums deposited into the policy.
I have tried to use the IRR & XIRR function and get an error. I must be using them incorrectly. I have attached a copy of the spreadsheet I am working on and would appreciate any assistance you experts can provide.

thank you in advance for your help!


  • Sample Book.xlsx
    266.7 KB · Views: 6
Thank you for your reply, The death benefit would be money coming out of the policy so I have made it negative. Does this help?


  • Copy of Sample Book.xlsx
    267.3 KB · Views: 5
No it would not. Basically XIRR/IRR calculates internal rate of return for investment and shouldn't be used for this type of calculation.

I'm not sure what you are trying to calculate here (hence, request to manually calculate few values).