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Help With String Of Numbers Using IF


New Member
We're trying to create a formula using the IF function and can't seem to get it right.

What we're trying to accomplish is if the product is 0(zero), then enter 0.00; if the product is between 1-175, then enter 175.00; if over 175, then enter the actual product.

This is what we're attempting to use:


The problem is that if the product is 0(zero), then the answer is still shows as 175.00

Any help?

Does this work for you


Format the cell to number with two decimal places
Hi, edisrael!

I think you've misplaced the chainded conditions in your formula, so it's precedence doesn't reflect what you want.

It'll always displays "175.00" for 0 (zero), because 0 is less tan 175. And also avoid using "175.00" and "0.00" (string value) instead of 175 or 0 (number value) with the cell properly formated as number with two decimal places; it's safer for further calculations involving this cell.

Try this:

=SI(O(PRODUCTO(B13:C13)=0;PRODUCTO(B13:C13)>=175);PRODUCTO(B13:C13);175) ---> in english: =IF(OR(PRODUCT(B13:C13)=0,PRODUCT(B13:C13)>=175),PRODUCT(B13:C13),175)

Hope it'll work fine.



Note: There is no need for the Product function with only 2 numbers