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Help with remembering text in cells

Alanna 10

New Member
I use a lot of continous text in cells, what setting is there that tells excel to remember the text written for the next cell?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "remember the text". XL should not be randomly losing the data you type. If you want the same data in the next cell, you could use a linking formula like:


If that's not what you are looking for, could you elaborate on your problem, maybe show us an example of what you mean?

Excel 2010 and beyond can store 32,767 characters in a cell

So I doubt you have broken that limit

Have you turned word wrap on ?

Select the column

Ctrl 1


Wrap Text
Hi there,

What I mean is when you type in a word/name ie Alice and then you write it again a few times excel should know you are writing alice when you start typing a and then you dont have to type the rest in, it does it for you.

One one of my documents its not doing this, and would be great if it could like my other documents.

Does this make better sense?
Hi Alanna ,

Under Office Button , Excel Options , Advanced

you have a checkbox which says :

Enable AutoComplete for cell values

Ensure this checkbox is checked.


In addition to what Narayan said above about Autocomplete, Autocomplete only works when there is a continuous range of cell with values in the range above the active cell.

If there is a blank cell in the range, Autocomplete does not look above that cell for Autocomplete values.
Sorry its been a few weeks! I have had a look at this setting and it is checked on. Not sure what other setting might not be working.

I have now discovered that some do work but most dont, its quite anoying as I have to keep typing the whole word in when I know I dont have to.

I have another document that is very similar and its working fine, dont know why this one is not.

Is there something else that I could look at?
Hi Alanna ,

If you can upload any file where this does not work , probably we could check.

In Excel 2007 ( which is the version I have ) , this option decides whether the feature works or doesn't.

Good day Alanna 10

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