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Help with Pivot Table - Refreshing data [SOLVED]

Alanna 10

New Member
Please can someone help me: when I refresh my data, some of the text does not show up, one in particular.

I have created a worksheet with the data and the price list

when I refresh the invoice (pivot table) one name in particular does not seem to want to show up, all others do? the data shows but not the name?

Why is this and how do I fix this problem?

Firstly, Check that the Pivot Table extends to the right Rows/Columns that encompass your data

Second, Check that your values don't have leading or trailing spaces

Third, Check that the Rows with your values aren't hidden by a Filter or Rows are hidden

Right click the PT and Refresh

Can you share you file: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Hi Alanna10,

Try converting your data table in to a Proper "Table" that will also ease updating your pivot table.

Thank you for your help, I dont know why the name wouldnt show up? I just re-did the pivot table and it showed up again?
