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Help with Multiple page pivot table

Alanna 10

New Member
Please can I get some help producing a report:

I have an invoice and a credit note for flowers on two separate sheets. I want to create a pivot table that will be able to show me the total stems sold by variety.

Ie. In my invoice page I would have:

Date Quantity Variety
20.07.14 10 Gerbera

Credit Note Page:
Date Quantity Variety
23.07.14 -5 Gerbera

In my pivot table I would like to be able to select the date and have it say the total stems for Gerbera would be 5

Please help
This is what PT's do well, if you upload it would be easier for members to see what you need to do.

Are you using the upload button which is at the bottom of the post entry and browsing to your file.

yes when I select my file it loads to 100% and completes - but does not show?


  • Stems Sold.xlsx
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