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Help with Excel formula, IF


New Member
Im trying to create IF formula, from A1 to M1.
A1 to M1 could have a value of : "N/A", "PASSED"or any value
now what im trying to do is to have a formula that will show O1, If the user gets all passed fields, Or at lease one failed.
Formula logic should look like:

IF A1: M1 = PASSED or N/A then O1 = Passed
IF A1:M1= N/A or Any value then O1 = Failed

Passed if A1:M1 is just showing N/A or Passed, other than that is should show FAILED.

Thanks in advance!

I think this will do what you want

I think this will do what you want

Yeh your code worked, but, Im receiving Passed:with val value under K1, please see attached.


  • Book1.xlsx
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In your original post you said there could be one failed ?
The formula
=IF((COUNTIFS(A1:M1,"PASSED")+COUNTIFS(A1:M1,"N/A"))>=12,"Passed","Failed") achieves that

If you need 13 values of Passed or N/A change the formula to
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In your original post you said there could be one failed ?
The formula
=IF((COUNTIFS(A1:M1,"PASSED")+COUNTIFS(A1:M1,"N/A"))>=12,"Passed","Failed") achieves that

If you need 13 values of Passed or N/A change the formula to

looks Great! thank you so much Hui!
As Khalid said, there is no advantage

I had tried to incorporate the two conditions together in one Countifs() function, before realising that the logic was incorrect, hence the Countifs
In your original post you said there could be one failed ?
The formula
=IF((COUNTIFS(A1:M1,"PASSED")+COUNTIFS(A1:M1,"N/A"))>=12,"Passed","Failed") achieves that

If you need 13 values of Passed or N/A change the formula to

Hi Hui,

What If I want to add this:

IF A1:M1="","",""

so it wont show Any value if the specific row is blank?
I think you need: