Your post says nothing about your problem “Help in Excel” as a title gives know idea of your problem, “Help” is why this board is here, if you give a descriptive title then you stand more chance of getting the right help. Members have different skills in Excel and may only visit certain sections of the forum, titles that just say “Help in Excel” may not attract the right help. Members have busy lives to live, they have jobs to go to, families to take care of and a life outside of Chandoo world and do not spend all their time trawling through the posts.
If you take a moment to think of the problem your title would convey the help needed and the question you ask will contain more information for the members.
HI there
You showed nothing in your topic.If you want to do some process in excel files,i'd like to suggest you google for an excel processing tool which supports to process excelfiles directly.And most of them offer a free trial for new users.You can have a try