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Help for file name rename [SOLVED]


How to rename 0112021317_007_T.jpg to 0112021317_007_F.png?

In details: I have file name list in excel. I want to rename the file names. left sided 15 characters stays as it is but rename only last 5 digits.

Help me please..

If you are looking for formula then assuming you have data in column A, row 2:


And if you are looking for VBA code then perhaps like this:

Public Sub Rename()
Dim r As Range
Const csPath  As String = "C:Temp" 'Set appropriate path here
For Each r In Range("A1:A100") 'Set range reference as appropriate
If Len(r.Value) > 0 Then
Name csPath & r.Value As _
csPath & Evaluate("=REPLACE(" & r.Address & ",LEN(" & r.Address & ")-4,5,""F.png"")")
End If
End Sub
Hey guys. sorry.. need more help.

want to add here if condition but stuck..


Please guide me..


as a blind shot i did this

say your Data in B3 as Hello N.Jpg


the result will display as Hello F.png

if the Data in B3 as Hello P.jpg

then the result will come as blank

Hope it will solve your problem other wise please inform us


You have written a formula yourself. Is it not working as required? Please provide some details of your requirement.
Hi Bhasoriya ,

If it is a formula you are looking for , try this :


Copy this down.

Narayank991, sgmpatnaik & shrivallabha.

Thanks for responding..

all formulas are working fine, but when i am adding more criteria.. it is showing #value! error.

Have tried as: =IFERROR(REPLACE(A1,FIND("T.jpg",A1,5),5,"F.png"),"")*(IFERROR(REPLACE(A1,FIND("TB.jpg",A1,5),5,"B.png"),""))

Result should be as below:

0112021317_007_T.jpg => 0112021317_007_F.png

0112021317_007_TB.jpg => 0112021317_007_B.png

If last _T.jpg then T.jpg will convert in F.png

If last _TB.jpg then TB.jpg will convert in B.png
Hi Bhasoriya ,

You can add any number of criteria , as long as it is done correctly !

