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Hello - Inroduce myself


New Member
Hello, My name is Leonardo, I am from Colombia, I really like the site, I am folling all your amazing tips and developments, I'm an account so I'm ussually work with excel all time.

I have included some of your brilliant ideas in my daily work. to become awsome in excel as you.!
Welcome to the forums lirguio! Looking forward to hearing more from you. Please take a moment to read the stickeys at the top of the forums for some helpful guidelines & tips.

Luke M
Hello Everyone,

My name is bstan and I am from Malaysia. This site is a great / valued resource for learning & hope can gain more knowledge from your expertise & kindness
Hi Lirguio & Bstan

Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

I suggest you read the 3 Green Sticky posts at the top of


These explain how the Chandoo.org Forums work.

Please try and keep Posts in the correct forums
