Emp Sec BCID IAID Amount Ccy
1 Googe 11111 212121 100 USD
2 MIC 22222 313131 200 GBP
3 Googe 11111 212121 100 INR
4 Mic 22222 313131 500 GBP
5 Apple 33333 414141 600 INR
6 Apple 33333 414141 600 INR
8 Googe 11111 212121 2555 INR
9 Googe 11111 212121 920 USD
10 Apple 33333 414141 250 USD
Could you advise on the above data to be grouped with Columns - Sec, BCID, IAID & CCY. After grouping the output should be as below. This is done now by using filtering manually .
Emp Sec BCID IAID Amount Ccy
1 Googe 11111 212121 100 USD
9 Googe 11111 212121 920 USD
3 Googe 11111 212121 100 INR
8 Googe 11111 212121 2555 INR
2 MIC 22222 313131 200 GBP
4 Mic 22222 313131 500 GBP
5 Apple 33333 414141 600 INR
6 Apple 33333 414141 600 INR
10 Apple 33333 414141 250 USD
1 Googe 11111 212121 100 USD
2 MIC 22222 313131 200 GBP
3 Googe 11111 212121 100 INR
4 Mic 22222 313131 500 GBP
5 Apple 33333 414141 600 INR
6 Apple 33333 414141 600 INR
8 Googe 11111 212121 2555 INR
9 Googe 11111 212121 920 USD
10 Apple 33333 414141 250 USD
Could you advise on the above data to be grouped with Columns - Sec, BCID, IAID & CCY. After grouping the output should be as below. This is done now by using filtering manually .
Emp Sec BCID IAID Amount Ccy
1 Googe 11111 212121 100 USD
9 Googe 11111 212121 920 USD
3 Googe 11111 212121 100 INR
8 Googe 11111 212121 2555 INR
2 MIC 22222 313131 200 GBP
4 Mic 22222 313131 500 GBP
5 Apple 33333 414141 600 INR
6 Apple 33333 414141 600 INR
10 Apple 33333 414141 250 USD