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Group, Outline sorting


Have data grouped in attached worksheet, with each group consisting of school name and then 4 rows of parameters that are used to calculate the revenue. Need to sort by column B BUT keep the parameter containing rows, for each school, together, as part of the sorted info. So end result should be the existing grouped data in row B sorted by the school name.


  • Chandoo group sort.xlsx
    22.7 KB · Views: 4
Hi, @ccarruth !

You can follow this steps:

1. In C8 (you have C as empty column), put this formulae:

And drag it to C37 (one cell below your data)

2. Select Range A8:BW37, and click to Sort Data. Uncheck the check box "My data has headers", and sort ascending by column C. Done!

You can later clear the C column. Check the Dummy(2) Sheet to see the final result. Blessings!


  • Chandoo group sort.xlsx
    40.7 KB · Views: 8