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graphing from here to there

Hi all--

My co-worker asked me if I could come up with a good way to chart some data.

Here is the scenario: We run four shifts and are trying to graph "# of units ran" and also (separate chart if necessary) "lbs of product ran" per shift in a month's time then a chart with the totals of each of those.

Currently in A2 I have the first of the month, in A3 - A6 I have shift A, shift B, Shift C, Shift D, in B3 - B6 I have the # of units per shift, and in C3 - C6 I have the lbs. copy and paste this under it to get the 2nd of the month to the 31 of the month. I have tried to use a column and a scatter graph with no success. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated -- the format can change if necessary but I would rather use this as people are used to working with it.
To clarify, the data is all in columns A:C, and it looks something like this?

1-Jan		units	lbs
shift A		79	66.12
shift B		63	50.07
Shift C		58	41.51
Shift D		83	1.07
2-Jan		units	lbs
shift A		79	66.12
shift B		63	50.07
Shift C		58	41.51
Shift D		83	1.07
For this example, data is in A2:C11

I'd suggest that you store your data as:

Date	Shift	units	lbs
1-Jan	shift A	79	66.12
1-Jan	shift B	63	50.07
1-Jan	Shift C	58	41.51
1-Jan	Shift D	83	1.07
2-Jan	shift A	79	66.12
2-Jan	shift B	63	50.07
2-Jan	Shift C	58	41.51
2-Jan	Shift D	83	1.07
It will make subsequent processing, summarising and charting so much easier
thanks Hui that was the trick, now I just have to convert 5 spreadsheets to that (yikes)

and thanks Luke for trying (that is the correct set up)