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Getting the % error when a variable in a balanced equation is changed


New Member
I have a nitrogen mass balance (ins-outs=losses). I want to create a spreadsheet that will show the % error of the loss value when I change the one variable.

for example see inputs and outputs below:

a b c

1 "in values" "out values"

2 1 2

3 2 3

4 3 3

Then the equation is:

(1+2+3)+(-2-3-3) = -2

If i were to change one of the inputs


1 "inputs"

2 4

3 3

4 2


(4+2+3)+(-2-3-3) = 2

I want the spreadsheet to tell me which variable was changed (value in a2) and by what percentage was the overall loss changed by the change of variable. This is a very simple example but I can't get my head around what needs to be done... I think I'll also want to have a graph showing how the change in the different inputs effects the loss.

I really have no idea if this makes sense to anyone but myself but if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it! I feel like it is a type of regression modelling but do not know how to go about solving it.

Sorry the formatting was lost but the inputs are 1,2,3 and outputs are 2,3,3

The second set of inputs are 2,2,3

Hi ,

I think the problem with understanding your problem is the loss of formatting ; can you specify the details in this format :

IN VALUES ( with the cells used ) :

A1 : 4

A2 : 2

A3 : 3

OUT VALUES ( with the cells used ) :

B1 : 2

B2 : 3

B3 : 3

OUTPUT RESULT ( with the cells used ) :

C1 : 2

Cell which will be changed : A2 from 2 to 3

If what you want is a comparison of before with after , then it is possible VBA may be required. Is this acceptable ?

Thanks Narayan, I really have no idea how to use VBA but I'll attempt to be clearer in my explanation... no worries if you don't have a solution as I'm pretty sure it's my question asking that is the problem here! :)

I have a balanced equation with three input value and three output values. I want to know by what percentage the solution will change if I change a single variable.

The background to this is that I am doing a nitrogen balance - I have input nitrogen in the chickens, the bedding, the feed and output nitrogen in the moralities, the chickens leaving and the manure (manure is the bedding+excretion). When I take the outputs from the inputs I should be left with the loss of Nitrogen.

I want to know which variable (input or output) affects the solution most - i.e. when I am taking the measurements which I need to be most careful about.


A1 : 1

A2 : 2

A3 : 3

B1 : 2

B2 : 3

B3 : 3

C1: =SUM(A1:A3)-SUM(B1:B3)

If i were then to do the same equation changing one variable:

A4 : 2

A5 : 2

A6 : 3

B4 : 2

B5 : 3

B6 : 3

C4: =SUM(A4:A6)-SUM(B4:B6)

I want excel to tell me that the original A1 value was changed and how this change in variable affected the overall solution?

I would imagine some form of if statement would be used, so

IF(A1=A4,,A4)or IF(A2=A5,,A5) or IF(A3=A6,,A4)....etc this will then use the variable that has been changed to calculate the % error from the original solution (C1)?
Hi ,

I think the percentage calculation is straightforward ; I'll just post the formula for finding out the cell which has changed.

Put the following formula , as an array formula , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER :


This should display $A$1 if the changed value is A1 , $A$2 if it is A2 and $A$3 if the changed value is A3.

Of course , if you make the changes to A5 , A6 or A7 , it will still display A1 , A2 or A3. Is this acceptable ?

I have assumed that only one change at a time will be made.
