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Getting Pie Chart to Work


New Member
Hello, I have a spreadsheet that shows a single brand of potato chip sales across different groups of retail grocers (all the stores are various banner stores which are all owned by the same chain).

I am trying to get:

a pie chart or similar to display sales by sku (item) (eg., Salted chips 22%, Unsalted chips 15%, etc)

a pie chart or similar listing sales by each banner (Freshco, Sobey’s, Foodland etc)

a pie chart or similar listing an overall breakdown of distribution: what % each store represents

The problem I am having is that the pie chart shows blank. (the spreadsheet also has grouped/outline of some data)

Does anyone have any idea if this is possible with this SS?

You're going to need some sort of helper area to make the charts. I'd recommend taking, for example, the area that says "ITEM TOTAL" and moving it to another sheet. Create a pivot table. From there you can do some grouping and the like to come up with a chart you want. But please don't do something like this: http://junkcharts.typepad.com/junk_charts/2012/02/a-data-mess-outduels-the-pie-chart-disaster-for-our-attention.html

Do you have this same data ungrouped? You might find it easier to start with that. Just a thought.

Also: I'm on amazon trying to track down some of these chips. I don't know if I'd try the yogurt and green onion ones though.
Hi ,

I don't think there is any problem with the spreadsheet ; there is a problem with attempting to create a pie-chart , since there are so many items. If you remove duplicates and check the number of stores , there seem to be more than 200 !

What you can try is to create a pie-chart of the top ten stores or the top ten best selling items. Is this OK with you ?

Following on from what Narayan said I'd be more inclined to use a Pareto Chart (sorted column chart) where you sort the data from Most to Least value

I'd also stop at around 20 to 30 items (Columns) and then group the rest into an "Other" Column and leave that at the end

If you are unfamiliar with Pareto charts have a read here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2009/09/02/pareto-charts/
Thanks for the tips, I will try to implement some of these ideas. I've never come across anything that looks like this, and I'm guessing that to get the most of any SS, its finding the most logical ways to arrange things.