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Getting parameters from the Formula Bar for creating a UDF in Excel VBA


New Member

I am writing a user defined function to concatenate the text present in the selected Range.

I am facing issues in identifying the input parameter type for the UDF.

The user will use UDF as formula in a cell as shown below

=Concat(A1:A4,A7:A12,B4:B9, ":")

ideally i am trying to concatenate the text present in each of the cells present in the ranges with the Seperator given.


Function Concat(Input As string,Seperator as String) As String
'My logic to concatenate the text with seperator goes here
End Function

I am unable to identify what datatype should be used in the UDF
***Function Concat(Input As string,Seperator as String) As String***
for the highlighted text in the Concat formula.

Note: the number of ranges the user can select in the concat formula can vary.

Could someone please give me an idea ?

Hi Sarathi ,

Since you are passing ranges to the function , you need to declare the first parameter as Range.

The following is example code for the UDF :
Public Function temp(in1 As Range, separator As String) As String
                For Each cell In in1
                    s = s & " " & cell.Value
                temp = Replace(Trim(s), " ", separator)
End Function

Calling this UDF as follows :


with the brackets "(" and ")" enclosing the multiple ranges will be accepted.

Hi Narayan,
Thanks for the reply. Is there a way can we write the formula as
=temp(I1:I4,L5:L8,N1,O4,Q5:Q7,";") instead of =temp((I1:I4,L5:L8,N1,O4,Q5:Q7),";")

I am looking into the link you have shared. I think it will take time for me to understand that code :(. However thanks for the help.

Hi kanti,

I am unable to use like this

Function myConcat(ParamArray X(), Optional Seperator as String)

I want to take a seperator as string input. If i use ParamArray, i am unable to get another input parameter as shown above. any idea?
Hi Narayan,
Thanks for the reply. Is there a way can we write the formula as
=temp(I1:I4,L5:L8,N1,O4,Q5:Q7,";") instead of =temp((I1:I4,L5:L8,N1,O4,Q5:Q7),";")
Hi Sarathi ,

The point of using the brackets is that Excel automatically does a UNION of all the ranges within the brackets ; your declaration of the first input parameter of the UDF needs to have just one range parameter.

If you do not use the brackets , and separate the several ranges by commas , then you need to declare all of them as input parameters , and you need to have a fixed upper limit ; if you declare 5 input range parameters , you cannot use the UDF with a 6th input range.

Hi Narayan,
Thanks for the explanation. I looked into the code what Kanti has shared. I am trying to use that Function with one more input parameter, but its giving an error.

Do you have any idea why i am not able to take another input parameter after the ParamArray?
Function myConcat(ParamArray X(), Optional Seperator as String)

Just curious to understand whats the error.

Hi Sarathi ,

The explanation is straightforward ; the ParamArray usage conveys to VB that there can be any number of input parameters ; the number of parameters which are passed to the function decide how many parameters are used ; if you call the function with 3 parameters , the function will use those 3 parameters ; if you call the function with 17 parameters , it will use all 17 !

Thus , when you make use of ParamArray , you do not need to declare any optional parameter ; using this is actually an error.

All you need to do is ensure that any usage of the UDF calls it with the range parameters first , however many of them there are , and the separator string parameter is the last parameter.

Thus calling the UDF as :

=concat(A1:A17 , B1 , C5 , D33 , D45:D65 , ";")

will be OK , but calling it as :

=concat(A1:A17 , B1 , C5 , D33 , D45:D65 , ";", F13:F17)

will not.

Of course , within the UDF , you need to have a lot of error checking to ensure that the parameters are of the right type.

The other option would be to put the delimiter first in the parameters, like so:
Function ConCat(Delimiter As Variant, ParamArray CellRanges() As Variant) As String
  Dim cell As Range, Area As Variant
  If IsMissing(Delimiter) Then Delimiter = ""
  For Each Area In CellRanges
  If TypeName(Area) = "Range" Then
  For Each cell In Area
  If Len(cell.Value) Then ConCat = ConCat & Delimiter & cell.Value
  ConCat = ConCat & Delimiter & Area
  End If
  ConCat = Mid(ConCat, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End Function