Hello, I ve found all of your tips really interesting and actually very helpful!!!
Regarding the getComment function, sth I needed for my homework, I found out that I cannot use it combined with another function. For instance, I tried to use the function in order to bring comments from another excel sheet(same book), so I wrote the following: =getComment(ADDRESS(8;MATCH(Sheet3!G1;ΜΑΙ!E4:AI4;0);1;TRUE;"[ΜΑΙ"))
Nothing happened and I have no idea of what s going on!!!
I would be grateful if you could help me!
thank you!!!
Regarding the getComment function, sth I needed for my homework, I found out that I cannot use it combined with another function. For instance, I tried to use the function in order to bring comments from another excel sheet(same book), so I wrote the following: =getComment(ADDRESS(8;MATCH(Sheet3!G1;ΜΑΙ!E4:AI4;0);1;TRUE;"[ΜΑΙ"))
Nothing happened and I have no idea of what s going on!!!
I would be grateful if you could help me!
thank you!!!