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Get 1D Array using Evaluate

Thanks a lot.
I tried to test it like that
Sub Test()
    Dim a, x As Long
    x = 1000000
    a = InverseArray(Evaluate("ROW(1:" & x & ")"))
End Sub
But I didn't get 1D array ..and using the trick of column wouldn't be useful at this case ..
Can you post example of how to use it, please?
You well used it !​
Sorry, my bad - maybe a bit tired - as InverseArray just swaps the dimensions but stays in 2D …​
As INDEX worksheet function has the same limitation as TRANSPOSE function,​
at this time you must use a Dim statement to create the 1D array and a For … Next loop to allocate its values​
only if the array upper limit is superior to 65 536, if not use the TRANSPOSE worksheet function​
so you can combine both ways - maybe the 3 ways adding COLUMN - in your own function VBA procedure.​