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Generate Level in different column


Hello, I would like to generate or extract data into an individual 'column' from my list based on a number of one column.

I have attached a sample file with two tabs.

DATA tab contains the list, and

RESULT tab is what I expect to get.

In an actual environment, the level is not defined or as it may goes beyong level 5.

Hope the sample file attached explains my requirement well otherwise let me know please.

Appreciate if someone can generate a macro for this task . Thank you very much in advance.


  • TEST3.xls
    29.5 KB · Views: 1
Great.... Thanks vletm... Appreciate the feedback.

1) Would it be possible to create/include a header too.
2) I have tried adding rows (or have level number 6) but the result remain the same or it does not include new list/rows and create new column for that level.
3) instead of replacing cell content, would it be possible to insert or have a new columns for the levels?

Wonder if you can you please update. Thank you.
Last edited:
1) Headers - okay
2) for me those works ... check this file
3) You wanted something with Your original writing.
Show me, what do You need?


  • TEST3.xlsb
    17 KB · Views: 2