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Gantt Chart


I am doing a Gantt chart - and I need it to be in weeks - not days, as this project is over a period of 4 years. I have modified the dates to be workday+5 - I am sure there is a better way of doing this - but my knowledge of programming is not good enough to work this out.

One of the tasks will occur during the last, or 2nd last week of each month. Is it possible to do this without having 48 entries - ie 12 for each year?

The chart can be seen at https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwL-nA3ga6NVVkZoM1kwRTJ3dWc

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Hi jazzkid,

I am unable to download it my antivirus is blocking this download?? Can you give a dropbox link!! or is there some problem with this file?
Hi Faseeh

I recollect that I downloaded the original from Chandoo, and have amended it a few times. I know that sometimes when I open it it gives a warning not to use it - but not sure why - I had forgotten about that. Thanks and apologies for the potentially corrupted file. I have the original - will try to put the data there and then use dropbox. Thanks
Hi Faseeh

The dropbox link - with a new Gantt chart from the original is at https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xeh5coplhgeht6/Gantt%20Chart%20revised.xlsx

Thanks for any assistance

I have removed the file from the google drive link - so this link no longer works. The link to the file is https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xeh5coplhgeht6/Gantt%20Chart%20revised.xlsx Again - any assistance greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Hi jazzkid,

It is already 12:15 AM so will try to do something tomorrow morning, till then good night!!

Edit: Can't understand weekday+5 and why you are concerned with last and second last weeks of the month please explain with example??

Hi Faseeh

Thanks for your response. I have not been able to get back here til now. The weekday+5 was when I was using the file which there were problems with. I will upload another file with an example. It will take a little while as I have to create it. I will also put in an example about the task needing to be done at the end of each month.

Thanks again

Hi Faseeh

I have uploaded the file. I have put comments in the excel chart to try to answer your questions. Let me know if you need further explanation. The chart I have uploaded is only for seven months, however, the project is to run for four years - so this is why I need a bit of "tweaking" of the data.

The chart is at https://www.dropbox.com/s/0js0fssk3dwu8av/Gantt%20Chart%20second%20revision.xlsx

Thanks again

Hi Jazzkid,

Please see this file,


Thanks Faseeh

That is just what I need.

I knew there was a way to do it. I should learn to program in excel. Just find it hard to get my head around the logic of it.

Thanks for your assistance. It is much appreciated.
