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Gantt Chart using dates and 24 hour time clock


New Member
I need to create a Gantt chart to visually show how long it took to perform certain processes of a project showing the hours and the days. All examples I've found are for more simple time periods (i.e. days or hours, but not both). Users want to enter date, start time, and finish time. NONE will ever overlap, they can't have done the next step until the first step was completed. So the graphs would show the dates across the top, the processes, in order, down the side. In the below, there is a weekend in there.

What I currently get (obviously not working)


Any suggestions or directions to previous threads?
When making a Gannt Chart you have to specific the Start as a Date & time and then the duration as Times

Now Dates are just integers and times are decimals 0 to 1 but multiple days are simply a combination eg two and a half days = 2.5

So using two helper columns
Note the Major Gridlines are set at 1 = 1 day
Minor Gridlines are set at 0.25 = 6 hrs


  • Gannt Chart.xlsx
    14.8 KB · Views: 47
Or as per your original layout


  • Gannt Chart.xlsx
    15.1 KB · Views: 38