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Gannt Chart with automatic Bar colours


What I want to do:

Enter two dates, select the RAG (corresponding bar matches the RAG colour) chart does the rest.

What I have done:

I have a stacked bar chart which generates a Gannt which works fine.

I have tried to combine that the
Peltier method (separate out the values). In this instance I am trying to sort by RAG (Red, Amber, Green etc) status instead of a number which works just fine.

When I try and change the "Select Chart Data" part I cannot select ALL the data in the new table, I can select a single column only in the new one, not all. The desired end state is to select the RAG and that makes the bar the matching colour. I have no idea why I can't select more data, something I do regularly in other documents. My best guess is because of the formulas generating the stacked bars, but I cannot figure out why or how to resolve.

The spreadsheet is attached and I would appreciate a steer where this is going wrong.


  • Gantt Chart Template.xls
    36.5 KB · Views: 15
Each different color needs to be a different series. Jon accomplshed this in his example by first building a staggered tabled under "Conditional Formatted Bar Chart" in your linked article. See attached workbook for how it can be done.


  • Fixed Gantt Chart Template.xls
    38.5 KB · Views: 22