Need help in calculating future days cover
Period Opening Purchase Consumption Closing DaysCover
Jan 110 60 40 130 60
Feb 130 40 75 95 45
Mar 95 60 85 70 40
Apr 70 20 50 40 etc
May 40 20 60 0 etc
Each period is a month - assumed 30days. I need to calculate the days cover at the end of the period based on future consumption. Note it is not a weighted average calcuation but based on forecasted consumption in future periods.
Period Opening Purchase Consumption Closing DaysCover
Jan 110 60 40 130 60
Feb 130 40 75 95 45
Mar 95 60 85 70 40
Apr 70 20 50 40 etc
May 40 20 60 0 etc
Each period is a month - assumed 30days. I need to calculate the days cover at the end of the period based on future consumption. Note it is not a weighted average calcuation but based on forecasted consumption in future periods.