If it is within organization then it should not be really an issue if you all have the same version i.e. office 365. However, if variations are expected then a VBA based UDF can be introduced. Is that what you are looking for?shrivallabha
Good Morning!
Thank you for your help
It has to be for several offices, so it has to be a function or a macro.
Function Abbrev(LongName)
Dim ShortWordsToGo, wrds, i
ShortWordsToGo = Array("DOS", "DAS", "DO", "DE", "DA")
wrds = Split(Application.Trim(UCase(LongName)))
For i = LBound(wrds) To UBound(wrds)
If Not IsError(Application.Match(wrds(i), ShortWordsToGo, 0)) Then wrds(i) = "" Else wrds(i) = Left(wrds(i), 1)
Next i
Abbrev = Join(wrds, "")
End Function