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Frequency Distribution Chart


New Member

Is there a way to create a frequency distribution chart (similar to the one below) without writing the values to the sheet.

Here is the example:


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
To make a chart you need two series

The series can be Ranges on a sheet or Named ranges as in your previous post.

Easiest way is to use helper cells like Columns E & F in this post

These can be hidden if that is required

Next would be to use a Named Range array, except that to fill them with different values you would need to write a small macro to both make the bins and fill another array with the frequency for each bin

I would stay with the first method purely as it allows you to check what is going on

Thanks for the help. I am also trying to include a slide bar to automatically increase/decrease the intervals in the bin values. Any ideas on how we can do this?


Setup the First Bin as the Minimum of the data minus half the Bin Width (from the Sliders connecting cell), then all the bins are the previous cell plus the bin width

In your formula for the Bin Value and the Count or Frequency make sure you put an If Bin Greater than maximum of data put an na(), That way you wont have lots of space at the end of the chart