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Fornula len not working


New Member
I am using excel 2010, I tried to calculate the length of text (cell value of I7 is CEYLON TOBACCO CO. LTD) in a cell by =len(I7) but it only return the formula itself =len(I7), and no vaue. I tried to change bothe columns into "number" format but still the problem persisted.

What is the cause?

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

You may want to check that calculation is set to Automatic

Goto Formula, Calculation options Tab and set it to Automatic

Then force a recalculation by pressing F9
Hi, yokeloonlo

First try the Hui's idea, if it not work, then try this, i think the Cell which you are going to enter the formula may be in Text format, if that so, any number or formula you entered will remain the same, excel will treat it as text value. So select the cell, check the format cell option, if it is in text, then make it as general, and again enter the formula you wish. Hope it will help.


Hi ,

I tried out what Vijay posted ; it works , but with a caveat - if you initially format a cell as Text , and enter a formula in it , then when you change the format to Number or General or any other numeric display format , nothing changes ! If I delete the contents of the cell , and re-enter the formula , then the format change takes effect.
