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I received my Microsoft Office 2007 Certification, but havent used it yet for a company. I was just wondering what I need to know when I go in for a job interview. I have reviewed a lot thanks to your website. I've been studying alot of the formulas like vlookup,if,time calculations, nper, ect. What are businesses looking for in formulas? Your input is greatly appreciated. Joe from Michigan.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

The answer depends on what Business your going into and what department in that business you'll work for

People in interviews don't look for specific ability to use individual functions. People look for your ability to analyse problems and then solve them.

In Excel there are many ways to solve the same problem with or without specific functions. As a brief example I am aware of an Excel based internet quiz where over 400 unique answers were published for the solution to a problem.

Taking along examples of different problems you have come across and your solutions may be a better answer to your question.