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Formulae with a double if


Please refer to tab: Testing_Main - cell AR10

I can't get it work.

I need if AP10 and AQ10 are both 1 - then "Testing Completed"
I need if AQ1 is 1 and AP is 0 - then" Please Update the Empty Cells"

It sound so simple, and I tried all with online excel bot - did not work in my excel.

Can you please open my excel and see if you can get it work in the actual excel. . Currently I see 'false"

Thanks -



  • SOX_Testing_Template_Generic__Final_V5.0.xlsm
    277.6 KB · Views: 3
=IF(AND(AP10=1,AQ10=1),"testing Complete", IF(AND(AP10=0,AQ10=1),"please update the empty cells",""))

but your formula in Ap10 is adding text not numbers
"1" is text and not seen as a 1

so change to

what if AQ is 0 ???
I have left blank


  • SOX_Testing_Template_Generic__Final_V5.0 - ETAF.xlsm
    457.2 KB · Views: 5
=IF(AND(AP10=1,AQ10=1),"testing Complete", IF(AND(AP10=0,AQ10=1),"please update the empty cells",""))

but your formula in Ap10 is adding text not numbers
"1" is text and not seen as a 1

so change to

what if AQ is 0 ???
I have left blank

Thanks, all day and I never saw the mistake of the "" changing to text..... great spot :)

what if AQ is 0 ??? this would be when cell q10 was not completed - for example.

Thank you so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you able to put those cool excel skill to help me on tab: Testing_Main - cell B10
I want the cell to turn red if the cell is empty and cell P10 is empty.
One you fix this I will need to do this all on cells from B10 to p10 - unles you have a quick fix for that.



  • SOX_Testing_Template_Generic__Final_V6.0.xlsm
    277.8 KB · Views: 4
yea, sure , but as its a new question, then a new thread should be made , i can then answer the new thread