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formula ?

Good morning, bee!

Do note that this is an international community, so sometimes the reason different members go silent is simply because we are asleep. =)

As for your problem, I'm inclined to agree with bobhc about not being able to do it with a single formula. I know you said we can't use Text-to-columns, but would it be possible to use helper columns? That's the only way I can think of having a chance of doing all the comparisons needed in just a workbook. This is the point where I would strong encourage just using the UDF, as it'll probably be faster and more efficient that the formulas we will come up with.
If the sheet format is the same as you have implemented then IMHO you don't need a formula to remove duplicate.

You need to write your condition formula like this:

In Cell C2:

=IF(AND(B2=1,ISERROR(FIND(A2,C1,1))),C1&", "&A2,C1)

and copy down.

It will eliminate duplicate at first place by checking if entry exists...
Good morning, bee123

The file I posted some time back is still there for you to download, it has as Luke M has suggested a helper column "C", in which I have put Luke M's formula,I have put Luke M's VBA code in for you and run it, as I said previously it works, all down to Luke M.

You could run it as I have done and copy the data from the helper column "C" and paste over the data in "B".

Or the option is when you have entered all your data and copied Luke M's code down all the cells, hide column "B", copy what is left and paste in to new work book if you do not want the duplicates to be shown/seen
I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.

I think you should be patient.
Hi ,

I am not sure if this is what you want ; can you check out this file ?


The formula is in cell C21. It depends on 4 ranges ; one is a real range D1:D10 , and the other three are named ranges.
