Hi ,
The original formula , which I am reproducing below , is :
This depends on :
1. The range of values being defined in A1:A9
2. The maximum of the above range being calculated in A10
In the above formula , the ADDRESS function has two parameters ; the first one is the row number , and the second is the column number. A row number of 1 , and a column number of 1 will refer to the cell address $A$1. A row number of 7 , and a column number of 11 , will refer to the address $K$7 , since column K is the 11th column.
If I rephrase the above formula as :
then the column number will also change when you copy this formula elsewhere.
However , you have now introduced a new factor ; the MATCH function matches only along a row or a column , and not on a multiple rows , multiple columns range , such as B1:D9.
If you really wish to do this over a range , then the formula needs to be revised as follows :