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Formula to change Range to MySheets


I need to change the formula below to look at all worksheets in another workbook the formula I'm using works but I need to change Free Standing to MySheets.

The formula has been shortened it usually looks at 10 other worksheets all with different names but all in same workbook (supplier master price list 25022017)

=(ROUNDUP(IFERROR(VLOOKUP($E:$E,'C:\Users\ssloh_000\Documents\safe\[Supplier Master Price List 25022017.xlsm]Free Standing'!$C:$H,6,FALSE),"No Match"),2))

I have a workbook named Supplier Master Price List 25022017 which has a named range MySheets (which is all my worksheets)
Not sure if I properly get what you are trying to achieve, but if you want to replace all "Free Standing" strings with "MySheets" strings in your formula, I would select all the cells where this formula appears, and CTRL+H (kb shortcut for "search and replace"), then type Free Standing in the "Find What" box, and type "MySheets" in the "Replace With" box.
Then expand "options" to ensure the other criteria are ok, and click on replace all.

Save your file before doing so, just to be on the safe side (in case you did not properly select the cells to apply the replacement to).
I have multiple worksheets in a workbook named Supplier Master Price List.xlsm.

I have a Workbook named Source and in Col G I have a formula vlookup to look at all the sheets in Supplier Master Price List workbook and if a Part No: is found place the value.