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Formula Required..


Small - XX Large

Small -X Large

Small -Large

Small -XX Large


Small - XX Large

Small -XX Large

Small -X Large

need to change to S-XXL and so forth, is this possible?
Find and replace all Small to S & Large to L

if want to achieve through Formula use =Substitute...
perhaps you can provide more details on what your looking for.... are you wanting to keep the info you have above in one column and have the abbreveated version in a separate col?

maybe show how want all of the to 'look' S-XXL, S-XL, S-L, S-M/L?? like this?

a formula with varis nested text function may be able to work but the enteries (as you have them) are not consistant enough to make it 'easy'. (spaces after the first -)
Hi Jason yeah l would like it to look like S-XXL etc... I can keep the info and hide the Colum or just replace the existing. Another query I have (sorry) do you know how I ensure my first two rows are printed on each sheet?

Long winded but try:

=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),"-"," - "),"Small","S"),"X Large","XL"),"Large","L"),"Medium","M")

where B4 is the cell to be changed.
Hi, Safequip!

A little twist to Absolution's formula, to remove spaces as you required:

=SUSTITUIR(SUSTITUIR(SUSTITUIR(SUSTITUIR(B4;" ";"");"Small";"S");"Medium";"M");"Large";"L") -----> in english: =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(B4," ",""),"Small","S"),"Medium","M"),"Large","L")

And about printing the first 2 rows on each sheet do this:

File, Print, Page setup, Sheet (last tab, 4th), and enter 1:2 in Repeat Rows on Top.

You'd either repeat columns at left with same procedure.
