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Formula required for Inventory Valuation


I have five issues regarding inventory valuation...... almost i have done but still i have to find out some thing more.....so i am attaching a file in which i m following FiFo Method of inventory.


Thank you very much in advance


CA Mahaveer Somani
Hi mahaveer,

Can you email me this file at faseeh10@hotmail.com can't download it due to Admin Restrictions.


Hi mahaveer,

Thanks for your email, let me try and i will revert .

Edit: I just went through your worksheet, i have understood this.

" Purchase is being made for different items for three projects. There are three site or stores, raw material is issued from purchase for each project. Now please explain what is the use of Items transferred to site?? Please explain he process with reference to your sheet.

Hi mahaveer,

I asked you few questions on email and on this thread but i never got them replied till your last post!! :( The working of this sheet might be easy for you but it is looking alien to me!!

Edit: I have prepared something and will email you as soon as i reach home!!
Hi Mahaveer,

Please see the last sheet "My Opinion"


@ SirJb7,

Can't upload file from my workplace any more!! :( :p



I told you to not become so intimate with Luke M, now you've acquired too the same illness... CASFFML... Does it hurt too much?



Hi, myself!

So long...

Hmmm... it sounds like he's another lazy guy that tries to keep his feet over the desk... without having a wireless keyboard...



And what are you waiting to hack you admin computer. Or blackmail him with anything you may know (if not, just imagine sthng and spread it).


PS: if nothing else works, well, "sembrare un incidente".

PS2: check it in Italian.
faseeh thanks dear its good for me but not best...

becoz it shows only one item value while i want to get my all item value therefore i think i have to make so many table like this but it is not possible dear..

is there any other idea do you have for me...?


CA Mahaveer Somani
Hi mahaveer,

Nice to see you back. I knew that would be problematic, i can suggest you two solution:

1. Leave my workout aside and ask someone (other then me) for a VB-Code:

2. I asked you to explain the process how sheets are supposed to work. I emailed you the same and i my third last post i re-insisted the same. So if you could explain me the process, taking up an example i could try to find solution. But in the mean time you can ask for VB code as well.
