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formula needed?


Problem: if usr ID 1 is reapeated Twice and degree of both are "yes" then output of degree also "yes",if usr ID 2 repeat twice and correspondence degree one is "yes" another is "no" then output degree is "yes".in the cause both are "no" then o/p is "no" same thing applicable for N/A.

file link:

Hi Mahaveer,

Just a normal Confirmation.. :)

So you dont need any special requirement for "Ses_ID_Res",

Below is the data for CASFML user.

usr ID	Ses ID	Degree
1	11	Yes
1	12	No
2	13	N/A
2	14	No
3	15	Yes
4	16	No
5	17	No
6	18	Yes
6	19	Yes
7	20	N/A
Expected Output:

Usr_	Ses_	Degree
1	11	Yes
2	14	No
3	15	Yes
4	16	No
5	17	No
6	18	Yes
7	20	N/A

Hi Mahaveer ,

If I assume the following named ranges : USR_IDs , SES_IDs and DEGREES , referring to the ranges $A$2:$A$11 , $B$2:$B$11 and $C$2:$C$11 , then the following formulae will give the result degrees and ses_ids :



Both are array formulae to be entered using CTRL SHIFT ENTER.

Hi Mahaveer ,

The first formula is to be entered in F2 and copied down ; the second formula is to be entered in E2 and copied down.

I am assuming that the USR_IDs , 1 through 7 , are entered manually ; do you want formulae for this also ?


P.S. For the USR_IDs , put in the following formula in D2 , and copy down ; this is also an array formula , to be entered using CTRL SHIFT ENTER :

Hi Mahaveer..

You need to create NAMES for each range .


