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Formula - Match (What is the use)


Can you post an example formula showing your concern?

Match returns the position of an item in a list
Hi Hui,

Thanks for reply

Data (From A2 to A5)

A2 - Sales

A3 - Profits

A4 - Percentage

A5 - Quantity

In C1 , I have used data validation (route : Data > Validation > List > Source(A2 : A5)

In E1 , I have used Match formula =MATCH($C$1,$A$2:$A$5,0), when i selected Sales from C1 , It shows result as 1, Profit means 2 ( That I Understand)

My Query : In match formula =MATCH($C$1,$A$2:$A$5,1)(Note: I here changed 0 to 1(Match Type)) but result is same and correct

Then What is the use of Value given in Match type
Hi Senthil ,

You have tested with only one value in C1 ; select the other values and test. You will see the difference.

The Excel help on the MATCH function explains everything.
