can you please suggest a formula?
Example: For division x, ranging from A2:A100, please return count <=0.08,ranging from B2:B100
For the same division x, please return count >0.08 but <0.2 etc
It is more like applying filters,but with formula, like filtering on divisions and counting no of emps below 1 month experience, no of emps > 1 month but less than 3 months so on.
Please help..Many thanks
Example: For division x, ranging from A2:A100, please return count <=0.08,ranging from B2:B100
For the same division x, please return count >0.08 but <0.2 etc
It is more like applying filters,but with formula, like filtering on divisions and counting no of emps below 1 month experience, no of emps > 1 month but less than 3 months so on.
Please help..Many thanks