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Formula for: If something is in here then add the corresponding


New Member

IF S11:S31 has the name "JOHN BLUE" in it then sum the corresponing cell in that row in column I.

Is that at all possible?
Sample data would have been good. You said sum the corresponding cell in that row, sum it to what please?

Try using a sumif if you just need an overall sum.

=sumif(S1:S31,"JOHN BLUE",A1:A31)

Please let me know if this meets ur needs

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Can you please be clearer about what your asking

I read it as If S11="John Blue" then I11 needs to go somewhere ? But where?

If it is that simple then put a simple If:

=If(S11="John Blue",I11"")

in your cell and then copy it down
Ok this is a door sheet used in a warehouse.

In order for me to track production I have to keep up with the amount of cases each guy unloads and divide it by a whole day time.

At the top half of my sheet for example

Column I (marks the quantity)Column S (marks the name of the individual that is unloading that container)

The top half of my sheet runs down to row 35

The second half is where I calculate the production. What I would like to set up is each time this guy unloads a container his case count populates in column H beside his name.

So if he is assigned to a container in row 10 column I at 2000 cases and his name is in S10 it will distribute down to H39. Then if he goes into another container in row 2 column I at 1500 cases with his name in S2 it will add the 1500 to H39.

I figured out one that will distinguish column S but it is basically doing an: if this name is in column S total the whole column I. I need it to distinguish; basically pair.

Does that help any?

Would you please upload a sample file? Give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.

I can't upload it because I'm on a network computer at work that does not allow access to any of those websites.. I can email it to someone?...

You can use Google Docs, Skydrive, Dropbox, among all others. If not, post an email here and I'll write you back.


Here's the modified workbook:



- where you said column I it's E

- idem for H as D

- I assume that row numbers (>35, 39, ...) are changed in sample to (>17, 18 for Joe, ...)


- painted black row 21 (see below)

- created named range "DoorTable" for rows 10:15 (including titles and foot for easy adding)

- created named range "DoorTableQty" for rows 10:15 column E

- created named range "DoorTableUnloader" for rows 10:15 column O

- created named range "PersonTable" for rows 17:21 (same criteria, foot painted black for reminder)


- in D18 and down:

=SUMAR.SI(DoorTableUnloader;A18;DoorTableQty) -----> in english: =SUMIF(DoorTableUnloader,A18,DoorTableQty)

Just advise if any issue.


PS: sent by mail too

Yes, received, updated, sent back, didn't receive your ack. Check your inbox or download from previous post's link. I'll check mine too.

sir i need solution to the following problem .suppose interest rate form 1.1.12 to 30.04.12 is 5%, and from 1.5.12 to 31.8.12 is 4% and from 1.9.12 to 31.12.12 is 2% ,for example a date falls between 1.1.12 to 31.12.12 it has to pick up corresponding interest rate ,please forgive me for my poor english
This will work for your problem Hemsundar.



I'd recommend you to read the three first green sticky topics at this forums main page. There you'll find general guidelines about how this site and community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

Among them you're prompted to perform searches within this site before posting, because maybe your question had been answered yet.

Feel free to play with different keywords so as to be led thru a wide variety of articles and posts, and if you don't find anything that solves your problem or guides you towards a solution, well, come back here, tell us what you've done, consider uploading a sample file as recommended, and somebody surely will read your post and help you.

BTW, one of the rules states to open a new topic for each issue and not mixing topics within other user's ones. The original poster might feel that his conversation is been hickjacked.

If you posted it wrongly and you started a new one, please enter and modify the wrong one, so as to let all know to don't consider that post, and avoid cross-posting too.
