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Formula execution on a true if statement


New Member
I am trying to have a cell look at another cell with a date in them (i.e. 12/15/2011) and return only the 3 letter Month but only if there is a date in the cell. I tried the below formula which doesn't work:

=IF(C5>1,=TEXT(DATE(YEAR(C5), MONTH(C5), DAY(C5))," MMM")," ")

If I just do the =TEXT(DATE(YEAR(C111), MONTH(C111), DAY(C111))," MMM") then it returns the Month but in cells where there is no date in it it defaults to "JAN" and for cells with no date in C:C column I want it to show nothing.

Can anyone please help? You guys are so awesome and have helped me with so many complex problems :) I so appreciate everyone. :)

Thank you & Regards,
Hi ,

Someone else will help out as far as your question is concerned ; I am more concerned with why you are using a formula such as :


Surely , this can be replaced by :


The logic is that the YEAR , MONTH and DAY functions will return the correct result only if C5 has a valid date in it ; if so , you can directly use the TEXT function on C5.


You can use this formula.

This will check if the cell has a date, and if it contains a date then would give you the first 3 letters of the month.