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Formula construction

I want to create a ss that performs a calculation depending on the value in a specific row-col.

For example, the range for A1 would be the following values, LS,SS, LC, SC, LP, SP. For each value of A1 there would be some calculation.

In programming language it would take the following form:

If A1 == LS then

x = some calc

if A1 == SS then

x = some calc

if A1 == LC then

x = some calc

if A1 == SC then

x = some calc

(etc for LP and SP)

return (x)

Any ideas?
=if(A1="LS",Calc 1,if(A1="SS",Calc 2,if(A1="LC",Calc 3,if(A1="SC",Calc 4, if(A1="LP",Calc 5,if(A1="SP",Calc 6, Default Calc))))))

Default Calc is what to do if none of the values are True