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Formula Array VBA


I'm tryng to write a code that uses the outputs of a UDF that's a Formula Array.

Function GARCHparams(rets, startParams)
GARCHparams = NelderMead("GARCHMLE", rets, startParams)
End Function

When I record the macro, the code is:

Selection.FormulaArray = _
        "=GARCHparams(R1C8:R200C8 , R2C12:R4C12)"

That is, the output is in the 4 cells range ("O1:O4"). How can I get this 4 outputs in the VBA code? For example, x = output1; y=output2; w=output3 and z=output4 ... without needing to use the sheet to calculate it.


You may need to add another parameter to the function
eg: Function GARCHparams(rets, startParams, Return_Parameter)

Can you post a sample file with an example of the formula and function and what you want to extract
Here's an example array function and the calling macro.
Function myTest(x As Integer)
Dim y() As Integer
For i = 1 To x
    ReDim Preserve y(1 To i)
    y(i) = i
Next i
myTest = y()
End Function
Sub CallingMacro()
x = myTest(4)
'x now contains 4 array values
For i = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
    Debug.Print x(i)
End Sub

For you code, you should be able to do something like
x = GARCHparams(Range("O1:O4"),Range("O1:O4"))

You may need to add another parameter to the function
eg: Function GARCHparams(rets, startParams, Return_Parameter)

Can you post a sample file with an example of the formula and function and what you want to extract

Hui, that´s the worksheet. The output is in range M13:M16.



  • Chapter6GARCH.xls
    428 KB · Views: 19
Here's an example array function and the calling macro.
Function myTest(x As Integer)
Dim y() As Integer
For i = 1 To x
    ReDim Preserve y(1 To i)
    y(i) = i
Next i
myTest = y()
End Function
Sub CallingMacro()
x = myTest(4)
'x now contains 4 array values
For i = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
    Debug.Print x(i)
End Sub

For you code, you should be able to do something like
x = GARCHparams(Range("O1:O4"),Range("O1:O4"))

Thanks, Luke!