dear all.
Is there any way by which if I type 12045 in a cell , the outcome is 12 ft X 45 inches.
Last three digits should come in inches and if it is 045 than the result displayed should be 45 inches.
Some other examples
12345 should be displayed as 12 ft X 345 inches
23045 should be displayed as 23 ft X 45 inches
23005 should be displayed as 23 ft X 5 inches
thanks and regards
Is there any way by which if I type 12045 in a cell , the outcome is 12 ft X 45 inches.
Last three digits should come in inches and if it is 045 than the result displayed should be 45 inches.
Some other examples
12345 should be displayed as 12 ft X 345 inches
23045 should be displayed as 23 ft X 45 inches
23005 should be displayed as 23 ft X 5 inches
thanks and regards