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Formating issue in Pivot table in excel 2003


New Member
Hi Guys,

I am very new to Excel reporting and need to create a report by use of pivot table.

Here is my sample data :

Country Sector Benchmark BenchMark_weight Account order country_weight

India oil BTC_1 100 1 10

japan oil BTC_1 100 2 11

US oil BTC_1 100 3 12

UK oil BTC_1 100 4 13

PK oil BTC_2 200 5 66

HK oil BTC_2 200 6 98

NZ oil BTC_2 200 7 23

OZ oil BTC_2 200 8 9

and my sample report which I need to achieve is :

Break Down BTC_1 India japan US UK BTC_2 PK HK NZ OZ

oil 100 10 11 12 13 200 66 98 23 9

Guys I am not able to include Benchmark (BTC_1 and BTC_2)in my pivot table in this format along with country name.

Please help me to achieve this format in Excel 2003.




Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

You may want to have a read of:

Select your data area including headings

Insert, Pivot table, using the wizard select a destination

You need:

Row label: Sector

Column Label: Country

Values: Sum of Country Weight

When complete

Right Click on the Row and Column Grand Totals and Remove Grand Total (Unless you want them)

You can re-order the countries by selcting them and drag the edge to a new location
Hi Hui,

Thanks for quick reply. This is really very helpful.

But my problem is After doing the above procedure also I am not able to include Benchmark (BTC_1 and BTC_2)in my pivot table in this format.

Break Down BTC_1 India japan US UK BTC_2 PK HK NZ OZ

oil 100 10 11 12 13 200 66 98 23 9

Can you help me out on this.
If you gotothe Field Chooser and drag the Benchmark to the Top or Bottom of the Column Header row it will add te Benchmark as a field it's behaviour will be different if you add it above or below the County Field
Hi Hui,

Thanks for this reply. Please ignore my ignorance but I am still not got the desired output. When I fellow the above way, I am getting Repetition of Benchmark field column after each column of Country, where in this case I want single column for all the country column which fall under that related benchmark.

Can you please suggest in this. I am really stuck here. :(