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Flip names [SOLVED]

Hello Friends.

I have a list of names (Last Name, First Name). Is there a formula to flip them to First Name, Last Name?


Hi James,

Try =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(",",A2)-1) &" "&LEFT(A2,FIND(",",A2)-1) where your "Last Name, First Name" is in cell A2.

Or you can highlight your column and do the Data | Text to Columns feature using the comma as the separator. This will give you two columns: Last Name and First Name. You could then use a simple =B2 & " " & A2 to pull them together. Plus you get the benefit of having the names in their own columns.

Good luck
Good day James

My response would have been the same as bobodj's concatenate, the easyest way to go.
You can use MID also like:

=MID(A1,FIND(",",A1,1)+2,99)&", "&LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1,1)-1)
Thank you all!!! :)

Much appreciated.

Here's how i finally managed to solve the problem.

I have two seprate columns for last name & first name and so i used this formula:

=B1 & " " & A1

(B1 is last name & A1 is first name)

Best wishes,
