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Finding cells with no data


There was a tip this week about how to delete all columns where you found the word "John". Great tip, so I tried it on a spreadsheet where someone had inserted "spacer" columns for formatting purposes. I want to remove them. The only thing they have in common is the cell has no data. I know how to find them using Go To . . . Special. I'd like to use the Find command, but have no idea what to use to denote empty space. Any help would be appreciated.
When you bring up the Find dialogue, delete/clear the Find input. I.e., look for nothing, and you shall find it! =)
Luke, that doesn't work for me. I can put values in A1, A2, and A4, select that range, attempt to find nothing, and it returns nothing. I want it to come back with A3.
Odd. When I attempt to repeat those steps, it works just fine on my end. Is there are formula in A3? Or a space?
No formulae, no spaces. Open a new worksheet, CTRL F, press Find Next or Find All. I get a message box saying "Microsoft Excel cannot fin the data you're looking for." It should, in theory, select the entire worksheet since all cells contain nothing, right?