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Finding a total based on multiple percentages

Trying to find the numbers for total and current when all I have is percentages.


20% of X is..

14% of A

39% of B

245% of C

where X, A, B, and C are all positive whole numbers.

I can plug in different values for the starting percentage (instead of 20% make it 80%, for example) and the others update, but I want to try and figure out how to do the math to find what the actual values are for X, A, B, and C.

It feels like I'm forgetting some basic math that would solve this, and that excel could probably handle it easily, but I'm stumped.

Any ideas?

you are missing something here

If 20% of X = Some Value

that can be written as

0.2 x X = Y

solving for X 

[code]X = Y/0.2

So you can only solve X if you know what Y is

If your problem is:

0.2 x X = 0.14 x A = 0.39 x B = 2.45 x C

It is the same problem

You need to know something else about the values

If the problem is

Total = 0.2 x X + 0.14 x A + 0.39 x B + 2.45 x C[/code]

It is still the same problem except that you now have 4 variables and will need some other data or limits to solve it

Without other data/limits there is an infinite number of solutions

What else do you know about the variables?

Max, Min, When they equal 0 intermediate steps, like A = 2 x B


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